Social media went to the dogs

NHS front

Visiting the humane society and speaking with Elizabeth Hilpipre was an amazing way to learn more about how to better use social media. Having had my own photography business Facebook page for over a year I can appreciate the time and effort that has gone into the Humane Society’s Facebook page. The fact that it has taken her 5 years to get to that point where she has 49,000 likes and growing is encouraging that it will take me time to grow my own page. She had lots of useful information such as to front-load videos with information because most people will not watch all the way through. I liked the idea of using pop culture references to engage audiences as well.

I recently have been doing the same thing that Elizabeth does on my own page’s posts, I ask people to share my things with their friends in hopes that my work is viewed by a wider audience. So far it is not working very well because I have so few “likers” but I hope as my audience expands so will my page. I also love the idea of replying to every one who comments, right now I am very good at doing this as my page is still small but I hope to be able to continue that as my page grows as she does with the Humane Society. The fact that Facebook has an algorithm that combines likes, comments and shares to decide where your posts go is helpful for me to attempt to plan to get my own posts to stay up in people’s timelines for as long as possible.

The other interesting and useful piece of information that I really enjoyed was the time of day that she posts things. Having already discussed this in class I have been trying to post things at times that people are often using second screens, but she had more to explain that I wouldn’t have thought of. She mentioned that people tend to use their technology in the morning when they wake up, at lunch, many parents use it when they wait to pick up children, and of course the majority of people who watch prime time TV at night after eating dinner. All these times are times I will keep in consideration when I post things in order to get the biggest reach possible. For more information about the Nebraska Humane society, visit their website!

Now enjoy some adorable puppy photos!


pit bull


dogRemember always adopt, never shop!



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