1L of a Christmas Break


Hello fellow 1Ls. Looking for a way to minimize communication about those awesome finals we just took- share this article with friends and family that will answer hopefully all of their questions they have about our latest academic endeavors so you don’t have to endlessly relive the finals experience.


how is law school going?

Well, I just finished taking a week and 1/2 of tests of which I won’t know the results of for almost a month and are worth most if not all of my grade, but other than that, fine.

how are your grades?

Excellent question, wish I knew- I’ll let you know right before the next semester starts. Also- once I know please don’t pester me about them, if they aren’t any good, I probably won’t want to talk about them. Like ever.

do you like it?

Well, yeah. I just invested a whole half a year to learning about future estates, intentional torts, homicide, statute of frauds, and other super exciting things. Of course I like it hence the want to continue with law school. Also I signed up for it so, yup, it’s pretty great. (I’m actually not being sarcastic, I really am interested in this stuff- weird, right?)

have you been to court yet?


can you help me with some legal advice?


(I semi-understand (maybe) the most basic legal foundations, you don’t want my help with anything right now…)

when do you graduate?

It’s a three year program. I just finished my first semester, so 2 1/2 years left! We are hopefully 1/6th of a lawyer!

that’s a wrap.

Hope this answers everyone’s questions. Law school is grand, it is one of the most challenging things I’ve ever done and I can honestly say I love it.

Now I should probably finish studying for that Property final tomorrow…one left. So close.


Study Abroad: London Packing List

the run down.

Here’s the down and dirty what you gotta have to start off your time in the world’s most fantastic city, London. Almost everything is easy to purchase, but its nice to have at least the essentials when you first get there while you get used to everything.

the essentials.

  1. laptop
  2. cell phone (either get a pay as you go plan or turn off data and only use for emergency calls)
  3. power converter
  4. British Pounds (if you plan on changing dollars to pounds make sure you bring NEW bills that aren’t old otherwise they aren’t happy to change them)
  5. credit cards with chip (an preferably no foreign transaction fees)
  6. any important medications and toiletries
  7. any favorite american food that you CAN’T live without (totally personal preference, I only brought some initial snacks so I wouldn’t starve if I couldn’t find a Tesco)
  8. Passport and any documents you might need (don’t forget your ID/Drivers License!)
  9. rain boots
  10. A good coat

things you’ll need.

  1. an oyster card (the tube is necessary my friends)
  2. good walking shoes
  3. I promise you you’ll need rain boots (wellie warmers are also nice to have on those cold english days)
  4. layers of outerwear, make sure you have at least one waterproof outer layer.
  5. The rest is pretty much up to you! Study abroad is what you make it 🙂

random tips.

Go exploring immediately, unpack the essentials and go out and be a tourist for a few hours. Figure out where the closest tube station is or bus stop. Find a Sainsbury’s or Tesco or what not (a food source). Explore the neighborhood you’ll be in all semester, check out the local pubs and restaurants.

Go see the big sites, bring out that camera and go take a ride on the London Eye, see Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Covent Garden, Leister Square, Piccadilly Circus, the Globe Theater ect. Some other fun touristy things to do are:

  • London Walks (I recommend the Jack the Ripper and the Harry Potter walks!)
  • The London Dungeon
  •  Horseback Ride through Hyde Park (Ross Nye Stables is fantastic and located adjacent to Hyde Park and usually takes walk-ups and is a once in a life time experience that cannot be beat!)
  • Hop-on-Hop off Bus (only do this if you don’t want to pay to use the tube for a day and want to be identified as a tourist)
  • Boat ride on the Thames (some have packages with the Eye and other attractions).

If you plan on visiting any of the palaces (Kensington, Tower of London, Hampton Court or Kew) buy the palace pass- find a friend and buy the “couple/family” pass and it will be even cheaper and you can go again and again in case you go on a day with a few too many tourists. Also, whenever people come to visit you they can get in on the pass as well since it is a “family” pass.

Here’s a link for more information on the pass.

I hope you enjoy your time in London as much as I did and have fun exploring!



Fitness Class Frenzy


fitness class frenzy

Upon beginning Law School I knew I would need something extra to keep me working out regularly. So when I found that UNL offered a group fitness class pass I immediately snatched it up and made the class schedule part of my every-day routine. I go to four classes a week in the evening as part of my exercise regiment. Occasionally I will go to a morning class or a class on Friday as well for an additional workout.

I love having a set schedule and having paid for the fitness pass and having a workout buddy who expects me to show up every evening really helps me meet my goals and get up and moving.


Cardio dance

My Monday evening class is Cardio Dance. It is fast becoming one of my favorite workouts as you essentially have a dance party every Monday evening. Once you figure out the moves and get into the swing of it you really have a great time for an hour just dancing to some popular songs and really working up a sweat. This is a medium impact class, but you can tailor it to be easier or harder depending on your fitness level or goals. Some Mondays I come out of class dripping and others I’m just a little red in the face, depending on how I feel and how hard I work.

The benefits of this class are numerous. My balance has improved (slowly, but I’m sure I’ll get the hopping on one leg thing down better eventually), I’ve noticed my legs have become stronger and leaner, and my endurance is slowly building up.

Even if you can’t dance, and dancing really is not a strong suit of mine, anyone can do this class. When I first started doing the class someone mentioned that if you don’t know what the move is, just jog or bounce in place, and that really works. Even if you don’t know exactly what to do you still get your legs moving and your heart rate up. Eventually the moves will come to you and now I can’t hear a song on the radio that we do in class without mentally thinking of the dance that goes along with it.

I would highly recommend anyone trying out a cardio dance class, I think it is a great stepping stone to Zumba as well as a great way to increase your fitness level in a fun and causal environment.



Part of every exercise regiment should include yoga I believe. Especially in a world where you constantly sit and hunch over, yoga really helps relieve stress and stretch out everything that needs to be stretched. As well as increasing balance, I’ve noticed my strength has improved. I can now downward dog way better than on my first attempt at the beginning of the year.

Yoga can also be tailored to everyone’s skill set, it doesn’t have to be impossible, just do what you feel comfortable with. But remembering that you must keep pushing yourself to continue to improve.

Relaxation and breathing is also a key part of yoga. It gives you a chance to step away from your day and just breathe and recharge. This class helps me go back to my studies recharged and ready to learn again and is beginning to be one of my favorites that I look forward to every week.

Here’s an article that mentions some of the awesome benefits of yoga.



Cycling class is also one that I look forward to every week, every week is a new opportunity to see how far I can push myself. Cycling has always been something that I’ve been tentative about pushing myself further in because I have knee problems, but once I was shown how to adjust the seat and handles correctly it no longer hurts my knees at all!

It is easy to set personal goals and push yourself in these classes, but it is also easy to just spin along and not push yourself. So the key in these classes are to keep on top of everything and push yourself as hard as you can.

Make sure your resistance is high enough and that it never is too easy, the feeling of coming out of a class utterly exhausted is excellent and this is my favorite class to release all that inner stress.

This is a beat based workout, and I’ve found that spinning along to the beat makes the hour class go much faster.

I like to keep track of my miles in each class and it is fun to see how much progress I am making and to see how much harder I have to push myself so I can begin to see results.


HIIT Strength

Usually my final class of the week, HIIT (high intensity interval training) Strength brings together all the workouts and culminates the week with a high intensity full body workout.

This class combines cardio and strength and targets every part of the body and leaves you exhausted and stronger. I think out of all the classes this one is the most beneficial and enables you to make more progress in the other classes.

Although this isn’t my favorite class content wise, the workouts we do in this class are always interesting and challenging. It is also harder to skimp in this class and not work as hard since everyone is doing the same thing. There are modifications, but I try not to use them unless I’m absolutely exhausted.

Final thoughts

Overall, all the fitness classes I’ve tried thus far have helped me keep on top of my fitness even though I rarely have time set aside to go for a jog anymore, I still am in decent shape since I have my fitness classes scheduled into my everyday life.

Some tips:

  1. Stick with it- pick classes you want to go to every week and make yourself go EVERY SINGLE WEEK unless you have a necessary commitment.
  2. Give it your all- if you aren’t focused and trying your hardest, you are wasting your time. You took time out of your day, make it worth while.
  3. Hydrate and eat well- don’t let your hard work go to waste!

My schedule: Monday- 5:30 cardio dance, Tuesday- 5:30 yoga, Wednesday- 6:30 spinning, Thursday- 6:30 HIIT Strength.

5 Things you Must Do in the Highlands of Scotland

One of my top favorite places to go in the world has to be Scotland, more specifically the highlands. I’ve compiled a list of my top favorite things to do, but there is so much more. These are just some of the interesting things I did when I visited.


  1. Hairy Coos

When visiting the highlands you must find these beauties. Our bus tour got so pumped every time we saw one. At one point our driver graciously stopped for a photo op. I love these fuzzy cows! You must find one and take a picture of or with one- which if you drive around the highlands you are hopefully bound to see some!


2. IrnBru

This crazy looking beverage is a must try in Scotland and although crazy sweet, it is strangely addicting and I often find myself wishing we had it in the US.


3. Castles

See all the castles. They are awesome and never get old. Our tour guide called our tour the ABC tour, or another bloody castle tour. Which was true, but it didn’t make it any less interesting. I would do our exact same tour again anytime but would love to see more castles that I haven’t gotten to explore yet.


4. Play with weapons

Do something crazy, like pose for a photo with an ancient sword outside an awesome old castle in the middle of nowhere in the highlands. These kind of awesome crazy things happen, and it is fantastic.


5. Climb a big hill

Go hiking, see the beautiful views, break in those wellies. Every blister is worth the amazing view from the top. We accomplished mountain goat status by hiking up some awesome hills and seeing some ancient homes with fabulous views. Don’t forget to venture through some streams and take some pictures. Also, try to spread your arms in victory better than I did, I suck at it.

Other things I enjoyed.

  • Lochs
  • Haggis
  • Rain
  • Loch Ness
  • Edinburgh
  • Everything

Here’s a link to the tour company we used through school!

One Man’s Dream: A photo tour

One Man’s Dream is officially closing in it’s current location. On my last visit to the world I wanted to go visit for the first and last time. This is truly an extraordinary exhibit and a testimony to Walt Disney. My entire family left feeling awed and a little bit teary eyed, especially after the film that was showed after you walked through (you know how us diehard disney folk get).

I documented most of the exhibits and tidbits of information I found interesting. I took all the photos on my iPhone camera so unfortunately they are not the kind of photography I would normally share on this page, they are merely documentary style and low quality but a way to show others some interesting parts of the exhibit.

I took much too long writing this blog from the time I visited so I unfortunately don’t remember a lot about what each photo entailed but the gist of the exhibit is a walk through the making of Disney.

This is also where you may become an ‘honorary citizen of Walt Disney World’ by answering questions for a quiz that you obtained by asking the cast member at the entrance of the exhibit for a quiz. The answers were all in the exhibit and were pretty easy to find for the most part. At the end you turned your quiz in, got your answers corrected, received your pin and got to sign the guest book! Very fun activity, especially when it was raining outside.

I’ll now proceed to my virtual photo walk through the exhibit. Enjoy and feel free to leave any comments with anything you know or liked about the exhibit!

The quiz.

The quiz.

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Walt's desk.

Walt’s desk.

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How the animation worked.

How the animation worked.

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Entrance to the theater.

Entrance to the theater.


Completed Quiz.

Completed Quiz.

Quote on the back of the quiz.

Quote on the back of the quiz.

Signing the guest book.

Signing the guest book.

Honorary Citizen of Disney World!

Honorary Citizen of Disney World!

A shout out to all my favorite Disney Facebook Groups: Diehard Disney Nuts, Loving Disney, Disney Vacation Club Members, Disney Worldwide Dreamers, and Disneyland Dreamers just to name a few.

1L: Month One

So, I’m on week five of law school. So far so good. I’ve survived being cold called a few times, I’ve dug through hundreds of pages of cases and statutes and rules, and I love every minute of it. Weird, right?

Things I love about school: free lunches, speakers, tons of activities and groups, new friends, library time, yoga, fitness classes and how nice everyone is. Almost every lunch period I’ve had somewhere to go listen to someone talk about an area of the law or something pertaining to school in general. Usually these talks include food of some sort, which is an added bonus! I’ve gotten to listen to a couple visiting speakers, the most interesting to me so far being the visitors from West Africa. I loved learning about how the law works in that part of the world and how they are trying to develop something like the EU in Africa. I have also noticed how there is never ending activities, so I’m never at a loss for what to do weeknights or weekends. Whether it be a football game, trivia night, or the upcoming barrister’s ball- I love the endless activities that I can choose to attend. I also love our library. Up to this point I’ve never used a library really and I enjoy using a few hours at the end of each school day to try to wrap up a bulk of my work there in that serene setting surrounded by my peers all doing similar work. Also, I love how genuine this school is, everyone really does care about how you are doing and if you are enjoying school. I’ve also had the benefit of taking advantage of the fitness classes and brand new facilities on east campus for much needed late-afternoon study breaks.

I’ve found a great rhythm already and I’m starting to get in the groove of everything, I’m awaiting the return of my first practice test and we’ve just been assigned our first graded legal writing assignment. So time to start working even harder.

This post is mainly for me to organize my thoughts, but I figured I might add some notes for people perhaps considering law school.

What to expect:

  • you are going to work harder in law school then you ever have in undergrad
  • the professors are there to help you, don’t be afraid to approach them with questions or ask questions in class
  • being cold called sucks, but no one will judge you if you don’t give a brilliant answer
  • make a schedule for reading and life in general, it really helps, trust me
  • don’t waste time sitting doing silly things unless you are purposefully unwinding
  • make sure you take breaks from school, burnout is a real thing
  • exercise, law school requires lots of sitting, but staying healthy is key to getting everything done, so be sure to get in a workout- I paid for a workout class membership to encourage me to workout at a scheduled time each day, so far it is working pretty well!
  • set goals and make sure you reach them
  • try out a study group, talking things out helps you understand
  • ask silly questions (simple questions) if you have them
  • start outlining when you start to have an idea what is going on, keep outlining once you start
  • read the case once before you attack it with the highlighters
  • color coding highlighters helps me pick out the different parts of cases and helps when cold called in class (ex. green = facts of the case)
  • be a human, take a day off once in a while when you can to help relieve stress and come back more prepared to start work again

Overall, so far I love school. I’ve found the reading long but interesting, so I think I’m in the right place. Keep looking here for more updates as I have time to write them, this blog is serving as an unwinding tool for me- but feel free to comment if you have any questions about law school, or any tips for me as a 1L if you’ve finished or are further along in law school than I am!

1L over and out.b5a998d2cd15c5de7c3fcd3dac29c73f

The 1L Life: Starting the Journey


It’s my first year of law school, I’ve worked so hard to get here and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes me. I’m about half way through my second week and I finally found time to sit down and write this blog. It was the last thing I wanted to do, I much rather be sitting on Facebook or splatted on the couch not using my brain power for an hour or so before I go back to studying. Law school is intense, but in a good way, I actually really like it in this crazy sort of way.


For anyone thinking about Law School, it isn’t for the faint-hearted. This takes dedication and skill, or at least these first two weeks have. I’m exhausted, but I’m learning. My classes are beginning to make some sort of semblance of sense and I’m beginning to think differently about what I read. I no longer take 6 hours to read 5 cases, so life is looking up.

I had so much I wanted to say in this first Law School blog, but my brain is so mushy I’m struggling to recall all I’ve wanted to say. I’ll try making a new heading, perhaps that will help…

Tips and tricks, from someone who is by no means good at this yet.

Stay on top of things! Even though I don’t know what the heck I’m supposed to be doing, I’m reading and trying to analyze and outline what we’ve learned the very best that I can. I feel like if you get behind at this point it will be a slippery slope downhill for the rest of the year.

Make a calendar and follow it, I’m a scheduler and it is helping me to no end so far. I schedule time to workout, time to relax and mostly time to study. This ensures that I at least have a game plan for the day and can figure out what I’ll be doing when.

Be sure you take time out for you. I decided to purchase a fitness pass and so far an hour out of almost every school day to work up a sweat really helps you come back re-energized and ready to take on the rest of your workload. Don’t try to just keep going, I don’t think it’s possible to study day in and day out and continue to get useful information coming out of that studying, breaks are good.

Random thoughts

As my brain seems to be actual mush, I’ll probably end this post earlier than intended, but I’ll leave you with some thoughts.

I like torts, I think I understand them.

My contracts teacher told us we should be good at law school because Sesame Street taught us how to find which one of these things aren’t like the others.

All the assault cases we’ve read now have me hyperaware in under lit parking lots with some overgrown shrubbery.

Highlighters are my friend, but I probably need to calm down, half of my cases look like a crayola box threw up on them…

Also, we had a property case about whales, and I shall always remember it because whales.

(I hope I’ve demonstrated the mush that my brain has become and that this post entertains you or at the very least entertains me later…)

Fly away to college: a note on transitions


going to college is scary

This time of year thousands of kids are spreading their wings and flying away from their nest and to their respective universities and colleges of choice. Some people will have no problem with the transition (or at least say that they have no problem)- but the reality is that almost everyone is freaking out too. And with a good reason, going off to college is scary at first. Your parent(s) leave you in a tiny dorm room with a tiny bed and another kid your age that you don’t really know (in most cases). It’s crazy stuff right there. Totally cool to be nervous about a new beginning, new friends, harder classes and unprecedented freedom. (Okay maybe you probably shouldn’t be nervous about the freedom part).

People are often very stressed, so first impressions of people might not be the best. So give people second chances, stress does crazy things to the best of us. Lots of people are off on their own for the first time ever, be kind. The people you meet first don’t have to be your best friends, sometimes you just need people to help you get started. Don’t be afraid to keep meeting new people, I met some of my best friends in college my junior and senior years.


everyone has second thoughts

Did I pick the right school? Will I find friends? Will school be impossible? Will this school be the best place for me to grow and figure out what I want to do with my life?

Remember, this doesn’t have to be where you stay at school. Lots of people transfer, there is nothing wrong with that. Remember that you can always go back home and that there are plenty of people who are nervous about the same things you are. Also keep in mind that there are tons of people at your school that will help you through this transition, you probably have an adviser and that is a great place to start if you have any concerns or questions.

Moving away is stressful, you leave everything in your comfort zone, but I’ve found the only way to grow is by leaving that beloved comfort zone and following your dreams.


set goals, go to class, define yourself

College is a great time to have a great time, but don’t let your social life rule your first year of school. Yes, go out and have fun, be smart and safe – or don’t, but find something to get involved in. Something where you meet new people with similar interests and goals that will help you evolve into someone who is ready to enter the real world in four years. Go greek if you’d like, join a club or two, play sports (competitively or just for fun), join student government, something…anything! Trust me, getting involved helps the school year go quickly and if your busy you probably won’t be homesick- but once you start figuring out how awesome college can be, you’ll dread coming home for breaks.

Set goals for yourself, whether it be grades or benchmarks to help you achieve your dreams, never stop having a plan. Set up a four year plan for what classes you want to take- this helps you ensure that you will be graduating on time and not incurring any unnecessary student loans. Know that your plans can change and the classes can be changed, this is not permanent, just something to use as a starting guide.

Go to class. End of story, you pay hundreds and in most cases thousands of dollars for each class- so make sure you go. Lots of professors have attendance policies now, but even if they don’t be responsible and make yourself go, it will help you in the long run, even if they are just re-discussing the book you’ve already read, you paid for it so you might as well be there. It’s like buying a fridge full of groceries that you throw away without eating any of it if you just don’t go to class. Food for thought.

Learn about yourself. This is the time to discover who you are, you are finally away from your parents (ideally) and able to make decisions for yourself. You pick what you eat, when you eat, where you go, when you sleep and study, and who you are with at almost all times. Take a step back and think about where you want to be in let’s say 10 years. Figure out what’s important to you and what interests you. Then feed those interests and stay true to what is important.

College is the best four years of your life. Savor each moment and enjoy the ride. It’s okay to be unsure about everything, it’s completely normal. You don’t have to declare a major freshman year, you don’t have to be president of your organization, you just have to spread your wings and fly out of your comfort zone. You will never reach your dreams if you don’t try.

Tour of Epot: Featuring World Showcase

Until recently EPCOT had not been on my list of favorite places to visit. After this last visit when I had tons of free time to do research about what all to do in EPCOT I have decided this is one of the coolest places, like anywhere. Basically if you can’t decide what kind of food you want to eat, go to EPCOT. You can sample everything and anything.

EPCOT: future world
Start the journey around EPCOT by trying soda from around the world.

Start the journey around EPCOT by trying soda from around the world.

In future world, right behind Spaceship Earth, Coca-Cola has a storefront that not only sells coca-cola products but has a soda station that lets you sample crazy concoctions from around the world. Some taste awesome, others not so much! It’s a great place to get a free drink too.

My favorite ride in EPCOT? Hands down Test Track!

My favorite ride in EPCOT? Hands down Test Track!

What about the rides? My favorite in EPCOT has to be Test Track. We hadn’t been able to ride this attraction in almost four years so it was really fun to be able to see what they changed. I think this is one of the most well done rides in all the parks.

Sponsored by Chevy!

Sponsored by Chevy!

I’ll probably do an in depth post about this ride at some point, but I’ll do just a quick overview of the ride right now. There are three lines: standby, single rider and fastpass. Single rider is always a great way to get on this ride with a little less wait time (but you may be split up from your group). You get to design your own car and then compare how your car did against the other riders in the car. Then after the ride you can do all sorts of activities with your car that is saved onto your magic band or park pass. Things like making a commercial and taking your photo with your car, really fun and you can spend lots of time designing more cars and looking around in the showroom- even checking out the latest line-up of Chevrolet cars!

Character Spot in Epcot

Character Spot in Epcot

The character spot in EPCOT is a great place to see three main characters- usually Mickey, Minnie and Goofy! Wait in line once and see all three instead of hunting each one down! There is also a fastpass available for the Character Spot.

There is also a large gift shop in future world that has lots of both EPCOT themed and WDW themed gifts and keepsakes. I found a few cool things in here and left with a great long sleeved EPCOT shirt!

Other spots to visit would be Soarin’, Captain EO (featuring Michael Jackson), and the Refreshment Port to grab a cronut!

EPCOT: world showcase

Now onto my favorite part: world showcase! If you’ve never been it is a must see! Imagine the giant tourist draws from each country shoved around one little lagoon, one after another. Featuring food and entertainment from each country that is represented it really is a great place to try new food and drink as well as be entertained. There is at least one major restaurant in each country and plenty of table service as well as quick service and cart options. Be sure to make reservations in advance at the table service options though! I’ll take you through a quick “tour” via some of my photos I took while I was recently there! Let’s start with Canada, ‘eh!

Canada- World Showcase in EPCOT

Canada- World Showcase in EPCOT

There is merchandise in each country- here's a shirt from Canada!

There is merchandise in each country- here’s a shirt from Canada!

If there is any type of show in that part of the "world" there will be a schedule of the times they will be appearing!

If there is any type of show in that part of the “world” there will be a schedule of the times they will be appearing!

We were lucky enough to catch some of the lumberjack show as we were walking around world showcase- very entertaining!

We were lucky enough to catch some of the lumberjack show as we were walking around world showcase- very entertaining!

A pub in the Britain part of world showcase. There is also a place to get fish and chips that is quick service, the rest of the eating establishments are table service.

Rose and Crown pub in the Britain part of world showcase. There is also a place to get fish and chips that is quick service, the rest of the eating establishments are table service.

Oh-la-la, Paris in Florida! France has some spectacular table service options as well as a quick service cart that serves crepes!

Oh-la-la, Paris in Florida! France has some spectacular table service options as well as a quick service cart that serves crepes!

Set up in France to look just like it does in Paris, very realistic!

Set up in France to look just like it does in Paris, very realistic!

Morocco is very vibrant and the windy paths make it feel like you could actually be in Morocco!

Morocco is very vibrant and the windy paths make it feel like you could actually be in Morocco!

A live music performance in Morocco

A live music performance in Morocco

Restaurant Marrakesh- table service meal, excellent quality food, fast service and live music and performances! (Located in the VERY back of Morocco)

Restaurant Marrakesh- table service meal, excellent quality food, fast service and live music and performances! (Located in the VERY back of Morocco)

The little details everywhere really make these places feel like you are in the actual location instead of the middle of Florida!

The little details everywhere really make these places feel like you are in the actual location instead of the middle of Florida!

One last shot from Morocco, I loved the design on this fountain.

One last shot from Morocco, I loved the design on this fountain.

Torii Gate in Japan

Torii Gate in Japan

Lantern in Japan.

Lantern in Japan.

Koi pond in Japan

Koi pond in Japan- be sure to check out the stores and places to eat in Japan, there is lots of great food and things to see- watching the pearls in the gift shop was fantastic!

Italy! They have gelato- we've had it before but not on this last trip- it was pretty yummy! Be sure to venture all the way into Italy, it is almost like being there!

Italy! They have gelato- we’ve had it before but not on this last trip- it was pretty yummy! Be sure to venture all the way into Italy, it is almost like being there!

The decoration for a food cart in Italy- looks like a little donkey is pulling a load around town!

The decoration for a food cart in Italy- looks like a little donkey is pulling a load around town!

Fountain (also in Italy).

Fountain (also in Italy).

Germany! The land of beer and delicious food! Be sure to check out the Werther's caramel store full of delightfully delicious snacks including fresh caramel corn!

Germany! The land of beer and delicious food! Be sure to check out the Werther’s caramel store full of delightfully delicious snacks including fresh caramel corn!

In the little square there are giant cuckoo clocks that put on little shows!

In the little square there are giant cuckoo clocks that put on little shows!

Be sure to check out the specialty beer from the beer stand in Germany!

Be sure to check out the specialty beer from the beer stand in Germany!

The grapefruit beer is my favorite!

The grapefruit beer is my favorite!

Germany is also a great spot to stop if you are "drinking around the world". My "drinking around the world" consisted of me carrying my one beer around world showcase! ;)

Germany is also a great spot to stop if you are “drinking around the world”. My “drinking around the world” consisted of me carrying my one beer around world showcase! 😉

Try the food in Norway, the sandwiches are great and there are great deserts as well- try the Troll's Horn!

Try the food in Norway, the sandwiches are great and there are great deserts as well- try the Troll’s Horn!

China! Be sure to stop by and see the acrobats that often perform in front of China!

China! Be sure to stop by and see the acrobats that often perform in front of China!

Be sure to stick around and watch Illuminations if you can! It's a great show and is pretty early (9pm) so the kiddos can easily stay up for that fireworks show!

Be sure to stick around and watch Illuminations if you can! It’s a great show and is pretty early (9pm) so the kiddos can easily stay up for that fireworks show!

I ran out of willpower by the time we got to Mexico, so this isn’t a complete tour- but I hope you got the taste for what is available at EPCOT! I can’t wait to come back soon and try more food and drinks and take more photos, Epcot truly is different from all of the other park experiences and if you choose to go to one other park other than Magic Kingdom I would pick EPCOT- especially if you have older kids or mostly adults!

Also- in the gift shop they have passports you can buy and you can have proof that you visited every country in World Showcase!