Feeling Lucky?

Have you ever pressed the ‘feeling lucky’ option on google? Neither have I…so why not do it together and discover what happens.

google search, feeling lucky buttonSee that little button on the right? Want to see what it does? Alright, I clicked on it- here is what appeared. Click here to see the page yourself.google doodlesI want to know why google took me to this, so the obvious way to answer this question is to do a google search on what exactly ‘I’m feeling Lucky’ actually does. About.com had an excellent answer for me.

Basically, the article says that if you type in a phrase and then press the button it will bring you to the first result in the google list. If you put in no content it does just as we discovered, sends you to the google doodles page. Since it had sent me there I spent some time looking through the google doodles, I’ll share a few of them here:

google doodle

google doodle new year

poland winter google doodle

Google is always interesting, and is such a powerhouse it is fun to explore it every once and a while. I plan on using the ‘I’m feeling Lucky’ button more now that I actually know what it does.



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