Stumbling around the Internet


I spend way to much time online. However I wouldn’t say that I waste that time when I’m wandering around on the internet. I can honestly say I’ve found some of my best ideas on the internet especially when it comes to ideas for my photography. The best site I’ve stumbled upon in my hours I spend on my phone looking at twitter updates is Light Stalking. This website is amazing for photographers and I’ve used many of their hints and tips to better my photography and give my ideas for some of my upcoming shoots.

I feel like now that I’m on even more social media sites that I’m finding myself having to set my phone down and let my profiles on all these different networks just sit for a while. When I first got LinkedIn I spent hours checking to see if I had gotten connections until I downloaded the app that notified me when I got a new connection. I also feel that it’s important to set aside time without social media to just soak in life without thinking of the perfect hashtag. The other thing I worry about is if I share information that I probably shouldn’t while I’m on all of these networks, but at the same time I’m trying to market myself and paint the best picture of who I am. This article discusses the downsides of social media and includes many of my concerns about social networks.

Although I have benefited from the expanded use of social networking. I now use twitter in a different way. I’m trying to follow more news channels and newspapers as well as important members of the US government as well as in foreign governments such as the UK. I’ve learned about so many news events through twitter and I often already know all about the main news stories that show up on the local and national news in the evening.

I do believe that my random stumbling around on twitter, facebook, instagram and other sites really do add to my creativity and give me ideas I otherwise never would have thought of. I can honestly say that I probably will not be changing my internet habits anytime soon. In fact, I plan on spending most of my time after I publish this blog going onto twitter and reading articles about the Olympics.

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